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Why qigong makes us feel better ...part 2!

So why does Qigong in particular make us feel better?

Yesterday I posted about the benefits of manipulating biomagnetism. This movement can be measured during a qigong session and causes expansion in the body.... so blood, lymph and nerve pathways are more effective.

It is true to say that many practitioners and healers would seem to manipulate biomagnetism. So why qigong in particular?

In 2006 a study by Windrider isolated the practice of ‘witnessing’ – emotional awareness without involvement - in addition to visioning (intention), as profoundly changing ones ability to emit Qi or bioelectricity from ones hands. This Qi emission has been shown to calm anxious animals,  accelerate wound healing and generally promote wellness.
QIGONG forms typically have all the right ingredients  – visioning, relaxation, witnessing the breath and slow movement.


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